A Direct Network Connection connects NinjaCat to your full, unfiltered data from all of your major data providers. A Direct Network Connection is our highest-level data source connection. After following a few quick steps, data from major data providers will be delivered to NinjaCat, ready to route to specific advertisers or filter and visualize in a template.
NinjaNote: To access the options of NinjaCat shown in this article your account must have a User Role that includes the permission "Manage Data". To change your permissions, please contact a NinjaCat admin from your team.
Create a New Network
To connect to the data source follow the steps below to create a new network
1. Go to the Setup Settings
2. Click on the "Add Network" button near the top right
3. Select the desired data source from the list
NinjaNote: Data sources can be filtered by searching or by category
4. Once the desired data source is found, click on its logo button to connect
5. On the Network Settings screen, you can customize the name of the network connection appropriately
NinjaNote: Pay attention to the help text on the side to get invaluable insight for setting up your new network connection. Different data source providers require other methods for authentication and connection. The help text in the Network Settings window can be used in conjunction with our data source-specific network connection articles to help you connect your desired data source. In most cases, you will either be required to fill fields with requested credentials or be presented with a pop-up window to enter credentials. In some cases, there are programmatic ways to find the requested credentials. Ultimately you may have to contact the data source provider to obtain the credentials. When we can advise or help direct you to the credentials we try to in the data source-specific network connection article for your desired data source network connection.
6. When you've completed editing the Network Settings or entering the requested credentials; Click the "Add Network" button near the bottom left
7. If the data source network you're trying to connect requires, you will be presented with a pop-up window to authenticate with the required credentials and also allow the appropriate permissions
When complete you will be returned to your list of connected data source network connections
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