There are so many sources of data that don't provide direct, software API connections. You are probably using at least one. If you've got data but require a way to get it to NinjaCat we can help. If the data source provider you are using can export reports via email we can receive and read that email and make that data available for Reports and Dashboards. Send the exported report to the email provided by this custom network connection and the connector will read the data attached to the email. Then you direct NinjaCat to the specific data you need to pull by using what we call a "Mapping". The following steps will lead you through this process.
Section Links
Custom Email Report Requirements
Connecting a Custom Email Network
Upload a Custom Email Example CSV
Creating a Custom Email Mapping
Retrieve the Destination Email
Using Custom Email Data in a Template
Custom Email Report Requirements
The email that is sent to NinjaCat must contain any of the following to provide data to the Email Custom Data Network Connection:
- an attached, valid, and well-formed .CSV (comma separated value) file
- an attached, valid, and well-formed .TSV (tab-separated value) file
- an attached, valid, and well-formed, compressed .CSV (comma-separated value) or .TSV (tab-separated value) file in ZIP format (the .zip file must contain a .csv file in the "root" of the .zip file, NOT contained within a folder or directory)
- an attached, valid, and well-formed, compressed .CSV (comma-separated value) or .TSV (tab-separated value) file in GZ format
- a URL (uniform resource locator or web address) to a web-hosted .CSV (comma separated value) file
- a URL (uniform resource locator or web address) to a web-hosted .TSV (tab-separated value) file
- the URL must have the word "report" somewhere in the link
NinjaNote: It is important to note that if you send in new data to an Email Custom Data Source which has the same date as existing data that you have sent in, NinjaCat will assume you want to replace the existing data with the new data for these matching date(s).
Additionally, when sending in your emails, at least for the first few sends, it is recommended that you include yourself as CC'd on the email so that you have visibility into the file that is being sent into NinjaCat.
An acceptable CSV is defined according to THESE linked details
An acceptable.TSV is defined according to THESE linked details
If there is any question as to whether your CSV is valid and well-formed it can be validated on this site
In order to create the above-mentioned mapping, the NinjaCat user must have access to a downloaded and saved example of the report from the data provider to use as a model for the mapping.
Connecting a Custom Email Network
1. Go to the Setup Settings
2. Follow the instructions in the article How To Add a Direct Network Connection, selecting "EMAIL" as the desired network
Upload a Custom Email Example .CSV
NinjaNote: At this point, you may see a dynamically created email address in the field labeled, "Email". DISREGARD THIS EMAIL ADDRESS for now. Instructions further down will tell you how to retrieve the email address that you will send your report exports to.
1. Click on "More Actions" near the top right
Click on "Edit Mapping"
2. Click on the "Upload Sample" button near the bottom left
3. Use the resulting file browser to find the downloaded copy version of the report attachment that will be sent via email in the future
4. Click "Open"
Creating a Custom Email Mapping
Do you see the "Save" button near the bottom left? DON'T CLICK IT YET! You must follow the instructions to create at least one Dimension and one Metric in this Mapping before clicking Save. That button is the final step in creating the Mapping NOT an incremental "save" step.
- Name Identifier - Give the Mapping a distinct name that you will use to identify the data being pulled through it
- Notification Email - Type in an email address that an alert will be sent to if there is a problem processing an email
- Header Row - Identify the row in the table that contains the column headers
- Starter Row - Identify the row in the table that contains the first row of data values
- Date Column - Select the column from the table that contains the values to be used for date data
- Account Matching - Select one of four methods to organize data by advertiser/ninjacat account in a situation where you have multiple advertisers' data in the same table (For the first three options from the list, the identifying value must be in a column in the table:
- NinjaCat Account ID - The static, numeric designation for a NinjaCat Account
- Account Name - The exact matching, case-sensitive name of the corresponding NinjaCat Account
- External ID - An identifying value that you place into the External ID field in the NinjaCat Account Settings
- Send to Unique Email - A unique email address is generated for every NinjaCat account. That account's data must be sent to its own email address.
DIMENSIONS Tab -- Repeat the instructions below for each dimension you need to pull from your sheet
A. Click the "Add Dimensions" button near the center or top right
B. Fill in the needed fields in the "Dimension Editor" pop-up window
- Name - A title for the Dimension that will be visible in the Template Builder
- Header Mapping - Select the actual column from your sheet that contains the right data for the Dimension
- Aggregation Mapping - (If appropriate) The common Dimension set that this data could fall under if being combined with data from other data sources
- Display As - The specific format that the data from the sheet should be represented as
C. Click the "OK" button near the bottom right of the pop-up window after all the fields are filled
METRICS Tab -- Repeat the instructions below for each dimension you need to pull from your sheet
A. Click the "Add Metrics" button near the center or top right
B. Fill in the needed fields in the "Metrics Editor" pop-up window
- Name - A title for the Metric that will be visible in the Template Builder
- Header Mapping - Select the actual column from your sheet that contains the right data for the Metric
- Display As - The specific numeric format that the data from the sheet should be represented as
- Calculate totals as... - For combining metric values choose Summation or Average
- Aggregation Mapping - (If appropriate) The common Metric set that this data could fall under if being combined with data from other data sources
C. Click the "OK" button near the bottom right of the pop-up window after all the fields are filled
2. Click the "Save" button near the bottom left after the INFORMATION, DIMENSIONS, and METRICS tabs have been completed.
Retrieve the Destination Email Address
1. After completing your mapping, select the new Email Network you just created in the previous steps or click the "X" button near the top right of the Edit Mapping page to return to the Network Settings Page
2. Based on the Account Matching selection you made on your Email Mapping page you will see one of two options on the Network Settings page
3. If you selected any Account Matching option other than "Send to Unique Email" the destination email address will be in the field labeled "Email" on the Network Settings page
4. If you selected "Send to Unique Email" the Email field will be replaced by the "Export Account Emails" button
5. Click on the "Export Account Emails" button to download a file with the destination email addresses for each NinjaCat AccountNinjaNote: Email processing statistics are displayed on the Network Settings page
Using Email Custom Data in a Template
1. Access the NinjaCat Template Builder
2. Add a data widget to the template
3. Click on "Add Data Source" near the top right
4. Click on "Custom Data" from the list of data sources
5. Fill in the "Custom Data" pop-up window by addressing the fields:
- Name - Give the data source entry a distinct label
- Grouping - Select an account group (if creating a roll-up)
- Data Source Type - Select "Email" from the drop-down menu
- Mapping - Select the Mapping that leads to the desired data
6. Click the "Close" button near the bottom right of the pop-up window
NinjaNote: Once a mapping is selected in the pop-up window, two buttons will now be available below the "Mapping" field. The "View Mapping" button will give you a view of the Dimensions and Metrics available through the Mapping. The "Edit Mapping" button will take you to the Edit Mappings area and allow you to make changes to the Mapping itself. When done you will be returned to the NinjaCat Template builder.
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