These simple steps will walk you through the process of finding the pre-made widget library inside of the template builder and adding a pre-made widget to a template.
1. Access the NinjaCat Template Builder
2. Select the desired template from the list or follow the instructions in the article Creating a Template From Scratch to get a new one
3. Click on the second tab from the left of the four tabs at the top of the right-side inspector panel
4. Select the desired premade widget from the list divided by category headings
NinjaNote: Scorecard, table, and the different chart types of widgets are denoted by the icons next to the widget names
5. Click on the title of the desired widget to add it to the template
This widget can now be moved, reformatted, and edited the same as any other widget you've created
NinjaNote: These widgets are a great foundation for building your own. Use them as a starter, adding or removing data sources, dimensions, metrics, filters, etc to make them your own.
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