Once you've created accounts for your advertisers, how do you; monitor, manage data for, and keep up with the progress of those advertisers? NinjaCat's answer is the Account Command Center. The Account Command Center is the single area where you can edit all of your accounts' details. This article is a guide to what you will see in the Account Command Center.
Section Links
Access The Account Command Center
Account Command Center Feature Map
Account List Feature Map
1. Type text to search account list by Account Name
2. Click to export a .CSV file list of Advertisers and details
3. Select from a drop-down to filter list of Accounts by Account Owner
4. Click to add a new Account
5. List of Accounts by Account Name
6. Account Owner Column
7. Click to display default Dashboard for each Advertiser
Access The Account Command Center
1. After clicking on "Accounts" in the Main Navigation Bar and "Accounts" in the sub-navigation
2. Click on the desired account from the account list
Account Command Center Feature Map
1. Account Name - Identifies which account is being edited
NinjaNote: By clicking on the account ID beneath the name it can be easily copied to the clipboard for pasting in to areas that require a NinjaCat Account ID
2. Account Dashboard Link - Loads dashboard for the account
3. Account Settings - This takes you to the several tabs of detailed configuration for the account
4. Data Sources Card - Section for set up and configuring data sources specific to the account
5. NinjaTrack Card - Section for set up and configuring NinjaTrack call tracking for this account
6. Reports Card - Section for creating and managing Report Profiles for this account
7. Change History Card - Section for creating date-based entries that communicate updates, changes, and progress of this account.
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