If you need to add multiple instances of the same data source to a single advertiser account keeping track of which instance should deliver a given data set may be hard to keep track of. A "Standard Mapping", in NinjaCat terms, creates a unique identifier in the system for a particular instance of a data source. Creating a unique name for each connection allows us to manage many at a time and easily tell them apart when we are reporting on them.
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Standard Mappings for Google Analytics (Universal Analytics & GA4)
Create a Standard Mapping
1. Go to the Setup Settings
2. Click on the desired Data Source Network
3. Click "More Actions" then "Edit Mapping" near the top right
4. Click the "Add Mapping" button near the top right
5. Type a name for your Mapping in the field under "Name Identifier"
NinjaNote: You can give a mapping a very unique name or a very general name. The benefit of a unique name is that it can help you know exactly which data set you're accessing. The problem with a specific, unique name is that it's not scalable. A very general, repeatable name for your mapping will facilitate your templates' use for multiple accounts.
6. Click the "Save" button near the bottom right
NinjaNote: The six steps as they are displayed here are ALL YOU NEED TO DO to create a Standard Mapping. Some of the mapping pages (eg. Facebook, Google Analytics) may have extra tabs or options. Those are for expanded functionality covered more fully in each of those data sources' own articles.
Standard Mappings for Google Analytics (Universal Analytics & GA4)
The steps for creating a Standard Mapping in the Google Analytics data source network are almost exactly the same as the process above. There is just one extra step. After clicking on the button labeled "Add Mapping" you must then click the button labeled "Standard Mapping".
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