Amazon Ads are sponsored ads for improving product visibility and boosting brand awareness on Amazon's Product Details Pages. Sponsored display ads can help extend your brand's reach on and off the Amazon platform. NinjaCat makes it easy to pull in your Amazon Ads results data. This article will take you through the steps of connecting to your Amazon Ads account.
Section Links
Adding the Integration Data Network
Connecting Advertiser Specific Integration Data to a NinjaCat Account
Amazon Ads in the NinjaCat Template Builder
Adding the Integration Data Network
1. Go to the Setup Settings
2. Follow the instructions in the article How to Connect a Direct Data Network Connection to begin the process of making the Network connection
3. As in step "7" in the above, linked article you will be presented with a pop-up window to authenticate with the required credentials and also allow the appropriate permissions
NinjaNote: In some cases, there are programmatic ways to find the requested credentials. Ultimately you may have to contact the data source provider to obtain the credentials. We try to advise or help direct you to the credentials when we can.
Click the "Add Network" button near the bottom right
Connecting Advertiser Specific Integration Data to a NinjaCat Account
1. Follow the instructions in the article How To Add a Single Data Connection to a NinjaCat Account to begin the process of making the client-specific data connection
2. Fill in the required fields on the Connect Data Source page by using the provided drop-down menus or by typing in the requested credentials or information
Click "Connect" near the bottom right
NinjaNote: If you need to connect multiple instances of the same data source to one account follow the steps in the article How To Add Multiple Instances of a Single Data Source
Amazon Ads in the NinjaCat Template Builder
After accessing the NinjaCat Template Builder, creating a new template or accessing an existing template, and creating a new data widget...
When Amazon Ads is selected as a data source for a data widget there are data source specific widget settings. While hovering over the small question mark icon next to the "Report Settings" this help text is displayed,
"The selections here determines which Product Type and Report Data Source(s) are used to pull data. Not all dimensions and metrics are available for all settings. If you are unsure, check the Amazon Ads documentation, or use the "Auto Select" options." Here is a link to Amazon Ads documentation that may help with understanding the structure of the data.
To elaborate a little more:
- Report Settings - The Amazon Ads API reports data from four different "Products" (Sponsored Products, Sponsored Brands, Sponsored Display, Sponsored Television). In the event that you gather data for more than one of these "Products" the "Report Settings" selection in the data widget settings allows you to specify the desired "Product" for the reporting purposes of this widget. The "Auto Select" option is in place so you aren't required to make a selection. If you know for sure that your Amazon Ads data contains the data for multiple "Products" select the desired "Product" from the list.
- Report Data Source - The data the Amazon Ads API reports is divided into several levels. The "Report Data Source" selection allows you to select the desired data level so you can report on more and more granular results. The "Auto Select" option is in place so you aren't required to make a selection.
- View the linked article for a complete list of Amazon Ads Dimensions and Metrics
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