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Requesting the Basis Technologies Amazon S3 Bucket Data Delivery Method
Adding the Basis Technologies Network
Connecting Advertiser-Specific Basis Technologies Data to a NinjaCat Account
Requesting the Basis Technologies Amazon S3 Bucket Data Delivery Method
With the guidance of Basis Technologies (formerly Centro), the NinjaCat Basis Technologies network connects to data stored in an Amazon S3 bucket. The steps to utilize this delivery method are as follows:
- Contact your Centro representative and request the creation of an Amazon S3 Bucket for the use of the Centro Basis S3 Bucket Data Delivery Method
- With the creation of the S3 Bucket, Centro will deliver to you the credentials needed to connect NinjaCat to the S3 Bucket
- User Name = Agency ID (The Agency ID, a credential that includes letters and numbers and matches this format 'agency-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx', can be found within the Centro Basis platform)
- Client ID = Access Key
- Client Secret = AWS Secret
- Region
- Bucket
- If you want to be able to report on historical data, request a date range of historic, “backfill data” be added to your S3 bucket. For example, “Once this bucket is established please backfill with data to January 1, 2019.”
Adding the Basis Technologies Network
1. Go to the Setup Settings
2. Under the Data Sources section, click on the "Add Network" button near the top right of the page
3. Find Centro Basis from the list of available network connections then click the "Connect" button
4. Fill in all of the required fields under the Network Settings
NinjaNote: The User Name/Agency ID will be formatted like 'agency-xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx' where the x's can be letters or numbers. Reach out to your CentroBasis account manager for additional assistance in finding this User Name.
5. Toggle to the on position the switches that correspond to the specific report types you'd like to pull data for
NinjaNote: The “Line Item” report must be selected/backfilled in order to backfill data from any of the other reports. Upon selecting any of the other listed reports, the Line Item report will automatically be enabled (symbolized by the “Lock” button for the line item report)
6. Set the earliest and latest reporting date range if you want to restrict the amount of data that will be visible to the template builder, reports, and dashboards
NinjaNote: 'Earliest Reporting Date' is a required setting to create this network. Suppose you have requested a backfill of historical data be placed in your Amazon S3 Bucket by Centro. In that case, you must set your 'Earliest Reporting Date' to encompass the range of that backfill in order for that data to be visible when creating your templates, reports, and dashboards.
NinjaNote: Due to the fact that this network connects to AWS storage to retrieve data, the authentication credentials needed to connect will be provided to you by Centro after the creation of the AWS data store. AND -- even though the "Earliest Reporting Date" doesn't impact the backfill data request process explained above, it IS a required field for network creation.
6. Click the blue "Add Network" button near the bottom left of the page to complete adding a Nativo network connection to your agency
Connecting Advertiser-Specific Basis Technologies Data to a NinjaCat Account
1. Click on "Accounts" in the Top Navigation
2. Click on the desired account in the Account list
3. In the Account Command Center click on the plus "+" near the top right of the card labeled "Data Sources"
4. Select "Centro Basis" from the list
5. Select the desired Centro Basis Network from the first drop-down menu
6. Select the desired Account from the second drop-down menu
7. Click the "Connect" button near the bottom left
NinjaNote: If you need to connect multiple instances of the same data source to one account follow the steps in the article How To Add Multiple Instances of a Single Data Source
- Check out the following article for a complete list of Basis Technologies Dimensions and Metrics and their window of availability.
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