After the data sources, dimensions, and metrics are selected for a data widget there are still more options that can be accessed to better configure the data display you want to create. These options are collectively referred to as the "Aggregate Options". The Aggregate Options consist of Date Range Overrides, Comparisons, Result Limits, and Sorting. This article is a guide to using these options.
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Widget Level Comparison Overrides
Date Range Overrides
1. Follow these instructions to add a data widget to your template
Select your desired widget from your template
2. Click on the desired widget to select it and reveal the widget settings in the inspector panel on the right
3. Scroll to the section labeled "Date Range"
4. Click on the space below "Date Range" it may be labeled "Default"
5. Follow these instructions to use the date range selection window to define the date range for this specific, selected widget
NinjaNote: When using the instructions from the linked article disregard the references to the "Global Settings" panel. You will be overriding the global, template-wide date range for this widget only.
Widget Level Comparison Overrides
1. Follow these instructions to add a data widget to your template
Select your desired widget from your template
2. Click on the desired widget to select it and reveal the widget settings in the inspector panel on the right
3. Scroll to the section labeled "Comparison"
4. Click on the space below "Comparison" it may be labeled "No Comparison"
5. Select your desired choice from the presented options
- Previous Period - The "Previous Period" comparison option compares the current period against the period directly preceding it. For instance, when comparing February, with 28 days, against the previous period, the system will compare the previous 28 days, January 4th through 31st vs February 1st to 28th.
- Previous Month - The "Previous Month" comparison option compares the current period against the previous month. For instance, when comparing February, with 28 days, against the previous month, the system will compare February 1st - 28th against January 1st - 31st.Â
- Previous Year - Previous Year compares the current period to the same day of the previous year
- Custom - Values from a period defined by using the template builder the date range selection window
What is a Result Limit?
There are 2 areas per widget you can control the range of results displayed:
- Starting Result - on most data widgets as default, this will be set to 1 - you will see results presented from 1 onwards sorted depending on the choices you made when Sorting Your Data Widget. In many instances, you won't want to make changes to this.Â
- Result Limit - on most data widgets as default, this will be set to 1000. You will need to reduce this in most instances where you're using the template for reports so that your results fit in the real estate allocated to the widget on the page.Â
Setting the Result Limits
1. After locating the desired widget, click on the widget to open the widget inspector
2. Scroll down to find the "Starting Result" section under "Comparison", Enter the number representing the first row of results you want to be visible
3. In the "Result Limit" box enter the number that represents the last row you want visible
NinjaNote: The yellow warning bar at the bottom of our table means that without setting the Result Limit, the results the widget is trying to display take up far more space than the real estate allocated to the widget. Once the result limit is set, as long as the results fit in the widget real estate, the yellow warning line will disappear.Â
Sorting a Data Widget
NinjaNote: There is no option to sort data in a scorecard as you are not including a dimension
NinjaNote: You have various options when it comes to sorting, and are able to sort your data by either a dimension or a metric depending on which ones you've chosen to include in your widget. You need to think about your data story, and what you're trying to demonstrate, but good practice is to always sort by something rather than leaving your data unsorted which can be hard for your audience to interpret.Â
1. Locate the desired widget within your template, click on the widget to open the widget inspector
2. Scroll down to the "Sort By" section
3. Click into the dropdown box showing 'No Sorting' to see all of the available metrics or dimensions that you're able to sort by - remembering you can only select 1 option.Â
NinjaNote: If you've included a dimension such as "Month" or Date, it is advisable to use that as your element on which to sort. If you've included a dimension such as "Campaign Name", or "Campaign Group", it may make more sense to sort by your primary metric to guide your user through the data you're presenting.Â
4. Click into the dropdown box showing 'Descending' to select how you'd like the data to be ordered when sorted by your selected criteria.
NinjaNote: If we were to sort for example by Ascending, we'd see the data with the lowest value first, through the highest value. If we sorted by Clicks we'd see the data listed starting at 0. If we were to sort by clicks Descending, we'd see the data listed with the largest value first, running through to the smallest value. The same is true of dates, Ascending will list dates 1-31 in the month, whereas descending will list the 31st of the month first, running through to the earlier dates in the month.
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