Waze Integration
- To connect: Waze
- For users that do not have their Client ID or Client Secret and looking to locate them; You must contact Waze directly and request this information. You will get a default email reply asking for information to assist you. To avoid getting that email, try sending an email to ads_support@waze.com providing them an explanation, including the following:
Business account name:
Country of advertising:
- You are only allowed a maximum of 31 days for a data call.
- There is a North American endpoint only for Waze. All other countries continents will not work with Waze.
Monday (Dapulse) Integration
- Monday is a mapping integration similar to Google Sheets.
- Pulse Name, Group Name should be automatic dimensions that are always available.
- Count of Pulses should be an automatic metric that's always available.
- In many cases users may want to only include dimensions for a table with Monday. To solve, use a placeholder hidden metric. For more information view the vidyard at the following link - Link.
- There are restrictions with the Monday API not allowing for all values seen on their UI to return in matching format on the NinjaCat platform. In some cases Find and Replace will work as a workaround.
- Lead Quality - Returns blank or star values returned are not displaying accurately - Do not use.
- Forecast Value - Returns blank.
- Dates - Will always return in a numeric format yyyy/mm/dd - this is a restriction on the Monday API and there is currently no resolution on the NinjaCat ui to display dates in a month/ day format.
- Sales Rep - will display whole name not the initials icon (on the Monday UI when selecting a person associated to a column you will notice they can be displayed as an icon with initials. The NinjaCat UI displays the full name.
- Stage will return numerically not as a word - The stages are 0 - 5 (there is not a stage 4)
0 = Negotiation
1 = Won
2 = Lost
3 = Prospect
4 = Not used by Monday at this time.
5 = Stage 5 is currently the “Unspecified Stage” state - When using Stage, to rename the numeric “Stage” labels, please use find and replace.
- World Clock - Monday’s API returns time formatted in the form of text, including the {timezone and last documented time}.
- Last Contacted - will return in the same date format setup for your agency/account.
- Phone - Will return in text format to include {Phone":"123456789","CountryShortName":"IL","Changed_at":"Date and time included here"}.
- To connect: WorthAuto
- There are no individual accounts with WorthAuto - When connecting at the Advertiser level you will not see a dropdown to select an Account from. You will be connecting that particular network to that particular Advertiser.
- There are no currency based metrics so it is expected that margins will not apply to WorthAuto
- To connect: Thinknear
- Thinknear does not have Campaign Name dimensions and therefore cannot be aggregated with other Data Sources with Campaign Name
- To connect: Sizmek
- Developer Note: There is a known limitation with the Sizmek API where if too many metrics are used on the same widgets may cause the API to return no data.
- Sizmek does not have a clear description of compatibility groups, there may be a rare case in which data will return an error regarding a dimension or metric incompatibility.
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