This article is for anyone reporting on Facebook Ads data and is using a custom conversion pixel for their Facebook Ads account. See How to find your Facebook Conversion Pixel ID Number for details on how to find the information you will need in this article:
In Facebook Ads Network:
First, click on your name in the top-right corner, then select Setup:
Click into your Facebook Ads network, then click on "Edit Mapping":
In order to reference your custom conversion pixels within the template builder, we need to add a "mapping" to use to reference this set of custom pixels. A facebook pixel mapping is made up of the following items:
- A unique string of text, used for identification purposes
- A set of custom conversion pixels. Each pixel contains two items:
- The display name of the conversion pixel id
- the Pixel ID number from Facebook Ads
One all Facebook Pixel IDs are added for this account, save your new facebook mapping. Now you're ready to select this in your account and report templates.
In Accounts
Click on the Accounts tab, then click into your account that will be using the above pixels. Add the Facebook Ads data source, and select the facebook mapping that you've just added, then click "Save Setting":
In Report Templates
Under the Reporting / Templates tab, edit your template, then click on the widget that you want to display your Facebook custom conversion pixel data and add the "Facebook" data source to the widget. Click on the pencil icon next to the Facebook data source just added to select the Pixel mapping:
Once your facebook mapping is selected for your account, you can click on the "Add Metrics" button to search for the pixel name that you want to add to your widget:
Each custom pixel contains two metrics, the name of the metric, plus the name of the metric with the word "Value" appended to the end. The "Value" of the metric is any revenue value that you may have associated with the conversion pixel.
You may also use your custom conversion pixel in any custom calculated metrics or filters as necessary.
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