Many agencies have 1 general Facebook Ads account which houses the campaigns for all their clients. This means when you add your Facebook Ads account to the Networks tab of your NinjaCat account, you only have 1 network option to connect to all of your clients. This means you do not have a client-specific account to connect to a specific client and therefore if you connect your Facebook Ads account to 1 client, all the Facebook Ads campaigns will end up in their reports as opposed to only the Facebook Ads related to your client.
To resolve this, you can add a campaign filter to the advanced facebook settings for your client's account.
First, click on the Accounts tab within NinjaCat, search for your client's account and click on the account. Next, click on Settings, then Advanced:
From there, click on the "Advanced" settings:
You'll notice a Facebook section with a Campaign Filter box. This box allows you to list the specific campaigns that should show up in this specified client's reports. List each Facebook campaign in the exact spelling and spacing as shown in your Facebook Ads account.
After entering in all of your campaign names EXACTLY as they are typed in Facebook, click on the "Save and Exit" button below.
Once these are set, only the campaigns listed in this box will show up in this client's reports.
Please note, we also offer a campaign filters in Facebook widgets of your reporting templates. The filter in the reporting templates should be utilized if you need to only show certain campaigns from a client's complete list of campaigns. The campaign filter option shown above is available for Facebook Ads accounts that have multiple clients, each with multiple campaigns.
If you need any assistance setting up your filters or have any questions on campaign filters, please click on the Support button located in the upper right-hand corner of your NinjaCat account or email and let us know. We would be happy to help you.
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