Your Facebook Account can be filtered in your NinjaCat account so only specific campaigns show up in your reports.
There are 2 ways to filter your Facebook Account.
Filtering a Facebook account that houses multiple campaigns for multiple clients
If you have 1 Facebook account that houses all the campaigns for multiple clients, you can define specific campaigns from your Facebook account for a specific client in the Clients tab of your NinjaCat account.
In the Clients tab of your NinjaCat account, go to the Actions button next to the client you want to filter Facebook for.
From there select the Client Settings option and then you'll see a Facebook Settings tab available for your client. In the Facebook Settings tab, make sure your Facebook network and account are selected. Then you'll find the Campaign Filter box at the bottom.
In the Campaign Filter box, you can list the specific Facebook Ads campaign names you would like to report on for this particular client in NinjaCat. Simply list 1 campaign name per line. Please note each campaign name needs to match the campaign name in your Facebook account exactly. Otherwise the filter will not work. Please double check your spelling and spacing as you enter your campaign names.
Once you have all your campaigns listed, you can save the client profile and now anytime you run a report with the Facebook widget in the report's template, only the campaigns listed in the Campaign Filter section of the client's Client Settings will show up.
Filtering a Facebook Account that houses campaigns for 1 single client
If your Facebook account only has data for 1 client, but you only want to show certain campaigns from their full list of campaigns in their Facebook account, you can do so using the Facebook widget in your report's template.
In the Facebook widget in your template, you'll find the Filters tab:
From here you can select the specific campaigns you wish to show for your client by entering the campaign name of each campaign in the Campaign(s) box. Simply enter 1 campaign per line and make sure the spelling and spacing of the campaign name matches what is in Facebook exactly. Otherwise the filter will not work.
Please note using this filter will then make your template client specific. If you set specific campaign names in this template, and use the template for a different client, the widget will still try to report on data from the campaigns you have listed here which of course will result in no data. Be sure to update your template for each client if you use filters in your templates.
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