his article contains a complete list of all the available Dimensions and Metrics for the Amazon DSP direct network integration.
- Dimension names in Italics are mapped to automatically aggregate with other similar networks present in the same data widget
Name |
Account |
Currency |
Data Source |
Date |
Day of Month |
Day of Week |
External Id |
Month of Year |
Network |
Quarter |
Row # |
System Account ID |
Week of Year (Sunday) |
Year |
Amazon Standard Id |
Asin Conversion Type |
Brand Name |
Browser |
Browser Type |
Browser Version |
city |
Conversion Source Attribution Type |
Conversion Source Name |
Conversion Source Owner |
Conversion Source Scaled |
Country |
Creative |
Creative Name |
Creative Size |
Creative Type |
Deal |
Deal Type |
Designated Market Area Code |
Designated Market Area Name |
Device |
Device Type |
Environment |
Environment Type |
Featured ASIN |
Line Item Type |
Operating System |
Order |
Parent ASIN |
Placement Name |
Postal Code |
Placement Size |
Product Category |
Product Group |
Product Name |
Product Sub Category |
Report Granularity |
Site |
Site Name |
Supply |
Supply Source Name |
Targeting Method |
Name |
Total Impressions to Add-To-Carts |
"Store Locator Page" Conversions |
"Store Locator Page" Conversions CPA |
"Store Locator Page" Conversions CVR |
"Thank You Page" Conversions |
"Thank You Page" Conversions CPA |
"Thank You Page" Conversions CVR |
3rd Party Fee: Automotive |
3rd Party Fee: Automotive Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: Com Score |
3rd Party Fee: Com Score Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: CPM1 |
3rd Party Fee: CPM1 Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: CPM2 |
3rd Party Fee: CPM2 Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: CPM3 |
3rd Party Fee: CPM3 Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: Double Verify |
3rd Party Fee: Double Verify Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: Doubleclick Campaign Manager |
3rd Party Fee: Doubleclick Campaign Manager Absorbed |
3rd Party Fee: Integral Ad Science |
3rd Party Fee: Integral Ad Science Absorbed |
3rd Party Fees: Total |
Accept Pixel CVR |
Agency Fee |
Amazon Audience Fee |
Amazon Platform Fee |
Application Pixel Conversions |
Application Pixel Conversions CPA |
Application Pixel Conversions CVR |
AtCR |
AtL |
AtLR |
Banner Interaction |
Banner Interaction CPA |
Banner Interaction CVR |
Brand Halo: Add To Cart |
Brand Halo: Add-To-List |
Brand Halo: Click-Through Add To Cart |
Brand Halo: Click-Through Add-To-List |
Brand Halo: Click-Through Detail Page Views |
Brand Halo: Click-Through New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions
Brand Halo: Click-Through New-To-Brand Purchases |
Brand Halo: Click-Through Product Review Page Views |
Brand Halo: Click-Through Purchases |
Brand Halo: Detail Page Views |
Brand Halo: Impressions to Add To Cart |
Brand Halo: Impressions to Add-To-List |
Brand Halo: Impressions to Detail Page Views |
Brand Halo: Impressions to New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions
Brand Halo: Impressions to New-To-Brand Purchases |
Brand Halo: Impressions to Product Review Page Views |
Brand Halo: Impressions to Purchases |
Brand Halo: New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Brand Halo: New-To-Brand Purchases |
Brand Halo: Percent Of Purchases New-To-Brand |
Brand Halo: Product Review Page Views |
Brand Halo: Purchases |
Brand Halo: Total New-To-Brand Sales |
Brand Halo: Total New-To-Brand Units Sold |
Brand Halo: Total Sales |
Brand Halo: Total Units Sold |
Brand Search CPA |
Brand Search Rate |
Brand Search14d |
Brand Store Engagement1 |
Brand Store Engagement1 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement1 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement2 |
Brand Store Engagement2 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement2 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement3 |
Brand Store Engagement3 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement3 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement4 |
Brand Store Engagement4 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement4 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement5 |
Brand Store Engagement5 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement5 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement6 |
Brand Store Engagement6 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement6 CVR |
Brand Store Engagement7 |
Brand Store Engagement7 CPA |
Brand Store Engagement7 CVR |
Click On Redirect |
Click On Redirect CPA |
Click On Redirect CVR |
Click Throughs |
Click-Through "Store Locator Page" Conversions |
Click-Through "Thank You Page" Conversions |
Click-Through Accept Pixel Conversions |
Click-Through Application Pixel Conversions |
Click-Through AtC |
Click-Through Atl |
Click-Through Banner Interaction |
Click-Through Brand Search |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement1 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement2 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement3 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement4 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement5 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement6 |
Click-Through Brand Store Engagement7 |
Click-Through Click On Redirect |
Click-Through Combined Purchases |
Click-Through Decline Pixel Conversions |
Click-Through Detail Page Views |
Click-Through Downloaded Video Plays |
Click-Through Drop Down Selection |
Click-Through Email Pixel Interaction |
Click-Through Email Pixel Load |
Click-Through Game Interaction |
Click-Through Game Load |
Click-Through Homepage Visit |
Click-Through Marketing Landing Page Conversions |
Click-Through Mashup "Clip Coupon" Clicks |
Click-Through Mashup "Shop Now" Clicks |
Click-Through Mashup "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Click-Through Mashup Add-To-Cart |
Click-Through Mashup Add-To-Wishlist |
Click-Through Mashup Backup Image Conversions |
Click-Through Mashup Click-To-Page |
Click-Through Message Sent |
Click-Through Mobile App First Start |
Click-Through New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Click-Through New-To-Brand Purchases |
Click-Through Off Amazon |
Click-Through Off Amazon Purchases |
Click-Through Player Trailers |
Click-Through PRPV |
Click-Through Purchase Button Conversions |
Click-Through Purchases |
Click-Through Referrals |
Click-Through Registration Confirm Page Conversions |
Click-Through Registration Form Conversions |
Click-Through Rentals |
Click-Through Shopping Cart Adds |
Click-Through Sign-Up Page Conversions |
Click-Through Sign-Ups |
Click-Through Submit Button Conversions |
Click-Through Subscribes |
Click-Through Subscription Button Conversions |
Click-Through Success Page Conversions |
Click-Through Survey Finishes |
Click-Through Survey Starts |
Click-Through Total New-To-Brand Purchases |
Click-Through Video Downloads |
Click-Through Video End |
Click-Through Video Started Conversions |
Click-Through Video Streams |
Click-Through Watchlist Add |
Click-Through Widget Interactions |
Click-Through Widget Load Conversions |
Combined ECPP |
Combined ERPM |
Combined Product Sales |
Combined Purchase Rate |
Combined Purchases |
Combined ROAS |
Combined Units Sold |
Cost Per Accept Pixel Conversion |
Count (Unique Dimensions) |
Creative Ad Id |
Creative ID |
Deal ID |
Decline Pixel Conversions |
Decline Pixel Conversions CPA |
Decline Pixel Conversions CVR |
Detail Page Views |
Detail Page Views Rate |
Downloaded Video Play Rate |
Downloaded Video Plays |
Drop Down Selection |
Drop Down Selection CPA |
Drop Down Selection CVR |
E CPAtc14d |
E CPAtl14d |
ECP: New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Email Pixel Interaction |
Email Pixel Interaction CPA |
Email Pixel Interaction CVR |
Email Pixel Load |
Email Pixel Load CPA |
Email Pixel Load CVR |
Game Interaction |
Game Interaction CPA |
Game Interaction CVR |
Game Load |
Game Load CPA |
Game Load CVR |
Gross Click Throughs |
Gross Impressions |
Homepage Visit |
Homepage Visit CPA |
Homepage Visit CVR |
Impressions |
Impressions to "Store Locator Page" Conversions |
Impressions to "Thank You Page" Conversions |
Impressions To Accept Pixel Conversions |
Impressions to Application Pixel Conversion |
Impressions to AtC |
Impressions to Atl |
Impressions to Banner Interaction |
Impressions to Brand Search |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement1 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement2 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement3 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement4 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement5 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement6 |
Impressions To Brand Store Engagement7 |
Impressions to Click On Redirect |
Impressions To Combined Purchases |
Impressions to Decline Pixel Conversions |
Impressions to Detail Page Views |
Impressions to Downloaded Video Plays |
Impressions to Drop Down Selection |
Impressions to Email Pixel Interaction |
Impressions to Email Pixel Load |
Impressions to Game Interaction |
Impressions to Game Load |
Impressions to Homepage Visit |
Impressions to Marketing Landing Page Conversions |
Impressions to Mashup "Clip Coupon" Clicks |
Impressions to Mashup "Shop Now" Clicks |
Impressions to Mashup "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Impressions to Mashup Add-To-Cart |
Impressions to Mashup Add-To-Wishlist |
Impressions To Mashup Backup Image Conversions |
Impressions To Mashup Click-To-Page |
Impressions to Message Sent |
Impressions to Mobile App First Start |
Impressions to New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Impressions to New-To-Brand Purchases |
Impressions to Off Amazon |
Impressions to Off Amazon Purchases |
Impressions to Play Trailers |
Impressions to PRPV |
Impressions to Purchase Button Conversions |
Impressions to Purchases |
Impressions to Referral |
Impressions to Registration Confirm Page Conversions |
Impressions to Registration Form Conversions |
Impressions to Rentals |
Impressions to Shopping Cart Adds |
Impressions to Sign-Up |
Impressions to Sign-Up Page Conversions |
Impressions to Submit Button Conversions |
Impressions to Subscribes |
Impressions to Subscription Button Conversions |
Impressions to Success Page Conversions |
Impressions to Survey Finishes |
Impressions to Survey Starts |
Impressions to Total New-To-Brand Purchases |
Impressions To Video Completed Conversions |
Impressions to Video Downloads |
Impressions To Video Started Conversions |
Impressions to Video Streams |
Impressions to Watchlist Add |
Impressions to Widget Interactions |
Impressions to Widget Load Conversions |
Interval End |
Interval Start |
Invalid Click Throughs |
Invalid Click Throughs Rate |
Invalid Impression Rate |
Invalid Impressions |
Line Item Budget |
Line Item End Date |
Line Item Start Date |
Marketing Landing Page Conversions |
Marketing Landing Page Conversions CPA |
Marketing Landing Page Conversions CVR |
Mashup "Clip Coupon" Clicks |
Mashup "Clip Coupon" Clicks CPA |
Mashup "Clip Coupon" Clicks CVR |
Mashup "Shop Now" Clicks |
Mashup "Shop Now" Clicks CPA |
Mashup "Shop Now" Clicks CVR |
Mashup "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
Mashup "Subscribe And Save" Conversions CPA |
Mashup "Subscribe And Save" Conversions CVR |
Mashup Add-To-Cart |
Mashup Add-To-Cart Click CVR |
Mashup Add-To-Cart CPA |
Mashup Add-To-Wishlist |
Mashup Add-To-Wishlist CPA |
Mashup Add-To-Wishlist CVR |
Mashup Backup Image Conversions |
Mashup Backup Image Conversions CPA |
Mashup Backup Image Conversions CVR |
Mashup Click-To-Page |
Mashup Click-To-Page CPA |
Mashup Click-To-Page CVR |
Max Expected Latency Hours |
Measurable Impressions |
Measurable Rate |
Message Sent |
Message Sent CPA |
Message Sent CVR |
Mobile App First Start CVR |
Mobile App First Starts |
Mobile App First Starts CPA |
New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions |
New "Subscribe And Save" Conversions Rate |
New-To-Brand ECPP |
New-To-Brand ERPM |
New-To-Brand Product Sales |
New-To-Brand Purchase Rate |
New-To-Brand Purchases |
New-To-Brand ROAS |
New-To-Brand Units Sold |
Off Amazon Conversions |
Off Amazon CPA |
Off Amazon CVR |
Off Amazon ECPP |
Off Amazon ERPM |
Off Amazon Product Sales |
Off Amazon Purchase Rate |
Off Amazon Purchases |
Off Amazon ROAS |
Off Amazon Units Sold |
Order Budget |
Order End Date |
Order Start Date |
Percent Of Purchases New-To-Brand |
Play Trailer Rate |
Purchase Button Conversions |
Purchase Button Conversions CPA |
Purchase Button Conversions CVR |
Purchase Rate |
Purchases |
Referral CPA |
Referral CVR |
Referrals |
Registration Confirm Page Conversions |
Registration Confirm Page Conversions CPA |
Registration Confirm Page Conversions CVR |
Registration Form Conversions |
Registration Form Conversions CPA |
Registration Form Conversions CVR |
Rental Rate |
Rentals |
Sales |
Segment |
Shopping Cart Adds |
Shopping Cart Adds CPA |
Shopping Cart Adds CVR |
Sign-Up Page Conversions |
Sign-Up Page Conversions CPA |
Sign-Up Page Conversions CVR |
Sign-Ups |
Sign-Ups CPA |
Sign-Ups CVR |
Submit Button Conversions |
Submit Button Conversions CPA |
Submit Button Conversions CVR |
Subscribe CPA |
Subscribe CVR |
Subscribes |
Subscription Button Conversions |
Subscription Button Conversions CPA |
Subscription Button Conversions CVR |
Success Page Conversion CPA |
Success Page Conversion CVR |
Success Page Conversions |
Supply Cost |
Survey Finish CPA |
Survey Finish CVR |
Survey Finishes |
Survey Start CPA |
Survey Start CVR |
Survey Starts |
Total "Detail Page" View CPA |
Total "Detail Page" Views |
Total "Detail Page" Views CVR |
Total "Subscribe And Save" Subscription CPA |
Total "Subscribe And Save" Subscription CVR |
Total "Subscribe And Save" Subscriptions |
Total Accept Pixel Conversions |
Total Add-To-Cart CPA |
Total Add-To-Cart CVR |
Total Add-To-Carts |
Total Add-To-List CPA |
Total Add-To-List CVR |
Total Add-To-Lists |
Total Click-Through "Detail Page" Views |
Total Click-Through "Subscribe And Save" Subscription |
Total Click-Through Add-To-Carts |
Total Click-Through Add-To-Lists |
Total Click-Through PRPV |
Total Click-Through Purchases |
Total Cost |
Total ECPP |
Total ERPM |
Total Fee |
Total Impressions to "Detail Page" View |
Total Impressions to "Subscribe And Save" Subscription |
Total Impressions to Add-To-List |
Total Impressions to PRPV |
Total Impressions to Purchases |
Total New-To-Brand ECPP |
Total New-To-Brand ERPM |
Total New-To-Brand Product Sales |
Total New-To-Brand Purchase Rate |
Total New-To-Brand Purchases |
Total New-To-Brand ROAS |
Total New-To-Brand Units Sold |
Total Percent Of Purchases New-To-Brand |
Total Play Trailers |
Total PRPV |
Total PRPVR |
Total Purchase Rate |
Total Purchases |
Total ROAS |
Total Sales |
Total Units Sold |
Units Sold |
Video Complete Events |
Video Completed Conversions |
Video Completed Conversions CPA |
Video Completed Conversions CVR |
Video Completion Rate |
Video Download Rate |
Video Downloads |
Video First Quartile Events |
Video Midpoint Events |
Video Mute Events |
Video Pause Events |
Video Resume Events |
Video Start Events |
Video Started Conversions |
Video Started Conversions CPA |
Video Started Conversions CVR |
Video Streams |
Video Streams Rate |
Video Third Quartile Events |
Video Unmute Events |
Viewability Rate |
Viewable Impressions |
Watchlist Adds |
Watchlist Adds CPA |
Watchlist Adds CVR |
Widget Interaction CPA |
Widget Interaction CVR |
Widget Interactions |
Widget Load Conversions |
Widget Load Conversions CPA |
Widget Load Conversions CVR |
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