This is an ever-changing document to list out best practices and helpful tips when using Bulk Management. Refer to the User Manual for an overview and instructions on how to use it, but refer to this document as well to review learnings and best practices. As the team learns more from our users, we will continue to update this page.
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- Actions made through Bulk Management impact changes to your NinjaCat environment… well, at bulk. Review the User Manual and this document, as well as double-check your work before importing a file with changes.
- Save the Exported file right away before making any edits, so that you have a copy of the original state of what exists before importing changes. After you make your changes to the file, save a new copy of the file before importing it to NinjaCat.
- The entire exported file can be updated and then reimported w/ all rows. However, if there are many rows apart of the exported file and you either need to make a few updates or only have net new rows to add, it could be easier to remove all rows and update a fresh file. You MUST keep the header row in the file though. If the column headers don’t exist in the imported file that exists in the export, then your import will fail.
- When downloading an error report, the error message per row is listed in a new column at the far right of the file
Data Source Connections
- It is likely not much of a time-saver to utilize bulk management for Data Source Connections unless there are 100+ updates / new connections to manage through the import. Gathering the names and/or IDs to account match with the appropriate provider account can be a daunting task, and could be managed more efficiently manually through the UI.
- The best way to go about importing updates / adding new data source connections:
- Find an existing advertiser that already includes a data source connection from most of the needed networks (if you don’t have just one account that holds this info already, create a dummy account with at least one of each network type added).
- Select the ‘Download Account List CSV’ option from each of the data source connections. See more info on this here
- The values from either the ‘Value’ or ‘Text’ columns of these downloaded files are what is needed to populate the file that you’re prepping for import. See more info on this here
- VLookups could be a helpful tool
- Not all Network Types are supported through Bulk Management today. See here for the list of supported Network Types. This means that only these network types will appear in the exported Data Source Connections list, and they are the only types that can be imported. If attempting to add a row to an imported file that is of a network type that is not supported quite yet, then the row will result in an error.
- Google Analytics data source connections produce a different ‘Download Account CSV’ than Google Analytics 4 downloads (even if they’re tied to the same GA network). Be sure to be referencing the correct download type.
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